Ready to learn how to reduce your cart abandonment rate?
Ready to learn how to reduce your cart abandonment rate?
So you have already paid for your customer to find your website, they have added a product to the cart and then BAM ⚡️ they leave!
I also have a super bonus for you too…. scroll ? for your very own abandon cart calculator.
Shopping cart abandonment is a major issue for all E-Commerce business owners and there are several reasons for it.
Did you know that the five biggest shopping cart abandonment pain points are:
- At the payment stage
- At checkout login
- Once the shoppers see shipping costs
- When your customer enters their billing address
- When your customer needs to enter their shipping or delivery address
Can you see the trend here?
They want to purchase your product. But you have too many barriers up, they do not TRUST YOU!
So I am going to break down five areas of your checkout process YOU CAN CHANGE TODAY, that breaks down those barriers and instil TRUST back into your customer!
1. PAYMENT – You must be offering multiple payment options
When running an online store, I recommend having at least two forms of payment options to allow your customers the choice and convenience how they wish to pay.
I’m talking about accepting both credit card processing and offering PayPal or other payment integrations such as Stripe.
PayPal is still one of the most widely accepted and recognised payment options online and should be utilised when still possible. Having it as an option can instill buyer confidence in the checkout process, and can quickly reduce any hesitation in the buyer’s mind – the Paypal Brand has Buyer Trust embedded within it, they know their credit card details are safe and secure when using this form of payment!
2. CHECKOUT – Is your checkout process easy or complicated?
A customer has an internal dialogue during those final moments before checkout and these are the questions they will be asking:
- Why do they need so much information?
- Why do you need my phone number?
- Are you going to call me when I don’t want you to?
- Can I trust you with my credit card number?
- Is my information secure with you?
The ANSWER … Enable Guest Checkout – requiring customers to create an account prior to checkout slows down the sale process and people leave.
3. SHIPPING – What is in it for me?
- 9 out of 10 customers say free shipping is an incentive to shop online.
- In addition to free shipping, 6/10 customers also say same-day shipping as an incentive to shop online more
- 7/10 shoppers listed free returns and exchanges as an incentive to purchase.
Shipping costs are often the last ‘surprise’ of the checkout process, make sure your FREE SHIPPING is clearly headlined on your homepage. If you are a startup and you think you simply can’t offer free shipping, there are always terms that you can apply to allow free shipping to be available – still can’t get your head around it, book in a free strategy call and I can show you how easy it is to do!
If you don’t want to offer Free Shipping over a certain amount for your business think of what can set up apart from your competitors – do you have free samples instead? A small gift?
4. CONTACT DETAILS – Your contact phone number or email must be on your homepage. Do not embed it so it is so hard to find.
Shoppers will always have questions during the checkout process. It’s your job to make information readily available by directing them to your FAQ page or giving them to contact you.
Install a chat feature to your website. It saves the whole email process and how do I find your contact details which of course are normally buried in most websites. Live chat makes it super easy to communicate to your customers!
5. SAVE YOUR CART FEATURE – Install this feature on your site today!
8/10 of online shoppers are comparison shoppers. You might go back and forth for days, closing windows, logging on and off. Don’t lose your customer because every time they visit your store they have to add everything back into the cart.
The best thing about SAVE YOUR CART OPTIONS is that you can also retarget users who’ve previously added something to the cart but haven’t checked out yet.