The E-Commerce Business Coach

7 Reasons to Start Using Facebook Ads

Every single day, more than 1.75 billion people use Facebook. So what does that mean, exactly? For your business, it means that you have 1.75 billion opportunities to sell your product. If you’re not taking advantage of Facebook’s advertising platform, you’re missing a ginormous market.

But, the impressive user count isn’t the only reason that it’s worth it to sell via Facebook Ads. Between their easy-to-use platform and their highly specific niching capabilities, here are 7 reasons to start using Facebook Ads.

Facebook advertising is just… easy

Facebook advertising makes social media marketing easy. It involves nothing more than setting up an Ads Manager account, creating a campaign, and letting it run free. And that process takes little to no time at all, making it an extremely time-effective form of advertising.

For all intents and purposes of just getting started, an image-based ad will be your best bet. This will be fastest and will take less effort than what video production for a video advertisement would require. And this way, you can simply get your ad out there while you work on more robust strategies. 

Other than the image and a blurb of copy, there isn’t really any “design” required with Facebook Ads. Just set it up and go. You can tweak and make updates as results start to come in. That’s the beauty of Ads Manager!

You can niche down and target your audience

The greatest aspect of Facebook Advertising is that you can niche down with extremely specific criteria. We all know that targeting is king in the advertising world, and with Facebook it’s extremely easy.

Through Ads Manager, you’re able to choose specific criteria for displaying your ad. 

You can target people who have never heard of your company or target those who have made multiple visits to your website. You can target people who like specific Facebook pages or who have specific interests.

 You can even set an ad that says the target audience must have this interest but also this interest.

“The person must like ‘yoga’ but must also like ‘soccer.’”

You can set your ad so that it doesn’t go to anyone over the age of 40, or to anyone that lives 15+ miles outside of a certain town. 

The list goes on. And in my experience, the more niched your ad, the more success you’ll see.

Custom CTA options

Rather than automatically sending people from your ad to your website, Facebook allows you to switch up your CTA to make it more applicable to what the ad is for. 

If you’re advertising a downloadable, for example, you don’t want to make viewers jump through hoops by going to your website and having to find the item to download. 

Instead, you can make your CTA say “Download Now” and use a direct download page link. 

Additional options include “Learn More,” “Apply Now,” and “Contact Us.”

These options allow you to make your CTA more applicable to the ad which eliminates confusion and will in turn provide better results.

Simple A/B testing

When launching an ad, you may not be sure what exactly to use, whether it’s certain imagery or wording. That’s where A/B testing comes in, and it couldn’t be simpler with Ads Manager. 

To start, you’ll want to decide on just one item to test. Then you’ll launch two identical ads targeted to the exact same group. 

The only thing that will change among the ads will be the variable that you’re testing. 

Once results and click rates begin to roll in, you’ll be able to determine which ad has performed better. Then, you can continue running that ad while also taking the results into consideration for future ad design.

They’re inexpensive to run

Facebook advertising is considerably inexpensive, with costs per click running for as low as pennies on the dollar. This means that you can start with a small budget, and even once you get up and running these ads aren’t going to put a large dent in your marketing budget.

Plus, you can set daily spend limits. So even if your marketing budget is .50 cents per day, you’re able to start somewhere. 

These low costs are an incredible deal considering the targeting capabilities of Ads Manager. Think about it. You could place an ad in a magazine for $1,000 dollars, but run the risk of only 0.5% of readers showing an interest in your business. 

Or, you can run a Facebook ad for pennies that will be shown to people guaranteed to have an interest in your offerings, because you able ot niche down to very specific criteria.

Imagine what $1,000 in targeted Facebook ads could do!

Optimizing for mobile is simple

Once you get your ad created, you’re able to select where it runs on Facebook. 

You may select a News Feed ad, or perhaps you’ll go for a side banner ad. But just as easily as you can select and tweak the layout to fit those aspect ratios, so too can you tweak for mobile.

Easily push to Instagram

Facebook’s integration with Instagram is a huge benefit that allows you to push ads over with just one click. It’s kind of like a two-for-one! 

Through Ads Manager, you’re able to easily tweak your ad and adjust it visually so that it’s suited to both platforms. The tweaks take milliseconds, and hardly any work is required. It’s just like how you can optimize for mobile vs. desktop.

Just push your ad over to IG, and you instantly have yourself positioned on a second platform without any extra work. 

If Ads Manager didn’t work, 7 million advertisers wouldn’t use it

With a user pool in the billions (remember that large figure mentioned at the beginning of this post?), the absence of your market in the Facebook realm is just… impossible. Your audience is using Facebook. It’s a guarantee. And that’s why 7 million advertisers use the Facebook for Business ad platform.

So, if you begin testing the waters and give Ads Manager a go, sooner than later you’ll undoubtedly see some sort of result.

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Yours in success,

Sarah x

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